Michael Aleph comes from the phonetic expression of Alphabet, Mike Alpha, my initials, M. A., Japanese name M. Abe.

I used to answer the crash phone check in the morning at Yokota AB. Whenever asked, gHow do you hear? Answer with your initials.h
I answered gLoud and clearh with my initials, Mike Alpha.

I am a graduate, Public Affairs Officerfs Course 2-92, Defense Information School, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. A photo of my classmates and my graduate certificate attached: it was 28 years ago (as of 2019). 

I served Yokota Air Base for 25 years; I worked for 475 Air Base Wing Comptroller Squadron for three years and then moved to 475 ABW/PA. There was AF reorganization in 1992, and the wing became 374 Airlift Wing. I worked for 374 AW/PA until my retirement at the end of 2010.  

Step by step, I will translate my articles into English so that you can understand them.