World of Words of Wonder

'Words' used here does not mean the language such as Japanese, English, French, Hebrew, or Arabic. Words work the same way, even in different languages. Words show that there are at least ten functions, such as learning by words, thinking by words, and communicating by words. Thinking depends on words. Words are the foundation, center, and essential elements of thought.

Wonder of Words

Flowers themselves are not conscious that they are beautiful. Flowers only bloom by inherited genes. People look at it and think that it is lovely. Is it only human beings who feel that they are beautiful from their point of view?

Bees fly to collect nectar. A butterfly flies to eat nectar. Why do people feel the creator's intention there?

There is ugliness in beauty. There is beauty in ugliness.
It looks so if the viewer sees it.
It is invisible to those who cannot see it.

Even if you think that the swallowtail butterfly is beautiful, you might hate the worms before they become butterflies. From the viewpoint of the swallowtail and caterpillar, it might be, "Don't judge yourself, it's a perishing nuisance."

There is something beautiful. It is a viewer's feelings. For those who feel that way, beauty comes from beliefs and the assumption. There are beautiful flowers, scenery, people, pictures, etc. that are realities as a reflection of the viewer's emotions.

If it is a thing, it can be recognized through the five senses and replaced with words. However, if it is an abstract word or concept, it cannot be perceived by the five senses. There is no entity.
Because we use intangible words, we may know it, but we may not know it.

It may not be there even if you are looking for it. You may be looking for something that does not exist.
Emotion makes a belief and creates something as if there is something but nothing.
Thus life is also a fight against foolishness.

Human life is meaningless only by existence. Human life is meaningful only when utilized. Making use of a person's life is to help others.

It seems that loving is consistent with this purpose.
People need love and trust that exist in reality.
Love and trust are the qualities to build up human relationships.
To love is to hope for the happiness of others and to make use of oneself for that purpose, wishing people happy and helping them.
Build up trust by keeping promises.

People's happiness is to have an understanding of their existence.

You open up your future with the life given to you and create your life with freedom. It is all up to you. You can make the future in any way you like.

Things change depending on what happens and how you perceive it. Independence is involved.
If you live with a feeling of accomplishment, rather than just expecting to live, you can even turn bad things into good things.
In essence, there is nothing good or bad. There is the only reality.

There's no reason to love enemies. "Don't make enemies!" is the right expression, because you create enemies by your thoughts and emotions.
Never make enemies!

'Now' means when there is a presence of yourself by the work of your brains.
Because you can feel now, you understand your life and your existence. It is a lifetime throughout a person's life. All people live their lives now.
The youngest time for each person is always now.
Find your now, not your past when you were young.

Oneself is a person with an image created by the brain. Oneself is a person who has the will of a person.

Thanks to the work of many people, a society is created, and people can live with peace of mind.
Water, electricity, food, house, family, work, car, TV, smartphone are all NOT natural. You don't realize how important they are.
If you get used to it, everything will be taken for granted. You might forget your gratitude to others.
How can you improve what you take for granted when you get used to it?

You will forget and take them for granted until you experience losing them. Then you will see how inconvenient without them.

It shows the importance of keep learning.
To learn means to make use of the functions of the brains that reflect.
To learn is to question, notice, improve, think about why, and try to find an answer. It is to learn lessons, to have your own will, to be motivated. It is to raise the awareness that you have.
The learning function of the brain teaches how people should be.

It's important to reflect on yourself and change your perceptions.
It is an essential aspect of learning.

The object to believe must be error-free, perfect, and must be correct forever. Otherwise, there is a contradiction in believing itself. It leads to problems, confusion, conflicts, divisions, and disappointment.

Although the time of eternity, the infinite universe, the world of elementary particles seen in matters, are difficult subjects, humankind has come to understand little by little. That's progress.
However, no matter how much humankind progresses, the difference from infinity is continuously infinite. There are many things we don't understand. Even if you know a little, things that you don't understand come out one after another. Even if human intelligence seeks an answer, infinity is the opponent.
Searching for the truth without error will require your search for the answer forever. That is the answer given to humans.

The whole world of words of wonder is unknown. It seems to be an infinite world. Words are direct to human thinking and recognition. No matter how much time passes, we cannot know the whole world. The world of words of wonder never ends.

'Words' means information that the brain can obtain through the five senses. It is a general term for what is replaced by a medium such as characters, kanji, or alphabets. "Words" are the key to unraveling the truth.

God is a word that symbolizes human ignorance throughout the past, present, and future. The omnipotent and omniscient God is the same as the meaning of 'substantially nothing.' Because there is no 100% certainty, believing seems to mean the same as being deceived. To trick people is to make people believe. And not to be deceived is not to trust it completely.

The reason that humans are intelligent is not to be proud, but to be honest and humble through learning, to recognize, reflect on, improve, and progress, and to enjoy the freedom and to live.

Michael Aleph