Solomon and Lily
Matthew 6:28-30
28 "Why take thought about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither work, nor do they spin.
29 I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory did not dress like one of these.
30 Therefore, if God, so clothes the grass of the field, which today is here and tomorrow people throw into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
Jesus thought that God grows all; flowers, grass, and humans. He thought it right and believed so. It was everyone's common sense that God grows them up.
Jesus did not know what was necessary for plants to grow. He said that
the plants were not working or spinning.
Even elementary school students nowadays are learning how plants are growing, what is necessary for them to grow.
Seeds need water, temperature, air for germination and sunlight and fertilizer to grow.
Living organisms live by genes. Genes perform various activities to live as living organisms.
It was impossible for them then to imagine that plants were receiving light from the sun and doing photosynthesis. Jesus did not know the fact. So, he said that God is growing them. He did not see the truth.
Jesus believed that God grows plants because he did not have an understanding of what we have today, how plants grow.
It is human tendency to believe it true when there's no knowledge or understanding
about it.
Jesus compared the flower lily with a human being and said that Solomon had not dressed as good as anyone of these. Jesus thought that Lily was dressing up.
Lack of understanding makes people believe that it is by God. Even in the
21st century, many people believe in the same way.
Flowers themselves are not conscious that they are beautiful. Flowers only
bloom by inherited genes. People look at it and think that it is lovely.
Is it only human beings who feel that they are attractive from their point
of view?
Lily is not beautiful by its intention. It is not dressing up. It only blooms according to the program of the inherited genes.
Jesus said, "Solomon, who has flourished, did not dress as much as one of them." But why did he say that Solomon did not dress like a lily?
Don't you think it strange that the idea of comparing flowers with human beings?
Little faith means that you don't have enough faith. It means that there is a lack of confidence or conviction in believing.
Jesus demanded people to believe, not to know the truth, but to have an idea far from the truth, which means only to put faith in it withtout thinking.
Based on common sense at that time, Jesus taught people that did not have the knowledge and could not understand, but could only believe. It is the same as being deceived.
Why do many people, even today, want to be deceived so much?
It is necessary to know the truth. Truth is a form of reality as it is. It is what science has revealed. Waking up to the fact is what we should be as human beings.
Human beings should face reality with sincere and genuine mind. Sincerity
is honesty of thought or intention; free from simulation, hypocrisy, disguise,
or pretense. It is a mind without personal desire, a pure feeling of doing
things for others.
It is necessary not to be fooled by self-interest but to correct mistakes with sincerity.