Inappropriate Comparison: Life is more than food?
Matthew 6:25 International Standard Version (ISV)
Outline: Stop worrying
25 “That’s why I’m telling you to stop worrying about your life—what
you will eat or what you will drink—or about your body—what you will wear.
Life is more than food, isn’t it, and the body more than clothing?
To think about what to eat and what to drink is not worrying about our
lives. There is no need to worry. Eating and drinking are also for family
and friends to enjoy together. Thinking about what to wear is not bothering.
It is also for enjoyment.
Since people had poor insight those days, it seems that they were always
worried about living. They may not have the idea of having fun.
Jesus said life is more than food. But why did he say that?
Which one is more, comparing life with food? It is an inappropriate comparison.
Because food such as meat and vegetables, living plants and animals, made
up of living cells, are all life forms.
Life is food, but there was no such recognition at that time. All life forms live by eating other life forms. Humans kill an unimaginable
number of cows, pigs, hens, sheep, etc. to eat. Food means life forms.
Jesus said that human life is more than the life of other animals, but
how and why is it more?
It may be the same as saying, "Zebra's life is more than Lion's.”
Jesus also tried to show, by comparison, that human beings are superior,
but this also indicates that there is a misunderstanding in his perception
of human beings.
Why shouldn't people worry? Because it doesn't solve or improve anything.
It is important not to worry but to think calmly and deal with it.
Jesus explained why people should not worry as follows.
Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds in the sky. They will neither mower nor mop nor will
they be taken into storage. Yet, your Heavenly Father is feeding them.
Aren't you better than them?
Jesus explained, "Because birds are fed by our Heavenly Father and
humans are better than birds."
Are birds being fed by Heavenly Father? The Jews believed in Heavenly Father
God. Many people still believe in the same way.
However, modern recognition is that birds are programmed to live that way by the genes. All life forms seem to live by the program in the same way.
If the birds are fed by Heavenly Father, when the birds die, it means they
are killed by Heavenly Father. Both humans and birds are to die. Heavenly
Father is ruining each life.
Having extinct species means that Heavenly Father has demolished them.
Although some species were gone before the first century, Jesus did not
mention it. Many species are extinct until now. Some species are threatened
with extinction.
Jesus would have wanted to say, "Aren't humans much better than birds,"
so Heavenly Father would protect humans. But it is a totally groundless
story. All human beings have died.
Jesus said that humans are much better, but he did not explain why or how
better humans are.
Many people still think that humans are better than birds and animals,
but they do not think about the reason. They naturally assume that humans
are better. It is a problem that people do not know the reason. Is it pride?
What is the reason for being proud of humans?
Each creature has its own meaning, each has its individual good points,
and each should be considered carefully.
Which one is better in comparison will be different, depending on one's
point of view, position, and way of thinking.
Humans seem to be better than other animals in intelligence. But it is
not better in all aspects of other animals. Some animals partially seem
to show better ability than humans.
Humans have intelligence not because they are proud that they are superior,
but because to be honest and humble through learning lessons.