Actual Image of God from Records of Genesis - Part 1

Words that appear at the beginning of the Bible is, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." After that, the light was given under the direction of God, the land was created, plants, seasons were created, underwater creatures, flying creatures, giant creatures, and so on were created. Finally, a man was created.

Genesis 1:26 New King James Version (NKJV) Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them.

From the expression "our image", the person who wrote this description showed that there were multiple living organisms and that human beings inherit the "image" of their creators. What is meant by "image” was later variously interpreted. It has been explained that human being has love and righteousness as an inheritance of the nature and characteristic of the creators.

There are various theories about the age of creation (of the record), and it is said to be around 4000 BC. At that time, the earth was flat. For over 5000 years after that, there were no telescopes. The land was thought to be the center of the universe with a small view of the sun, moon, planets, and many other stars. Eventually, it changed from flat land in the center of the universe to a spherical earth and became clear that the earth was moving around the sun like other planets. The solar system is now known to be part of the galaxy. We also know that the number of galaxies is innumerable. The universe has become infinitely expansive, and the existence of supernovae and black holes has become evident.


Human understanding of things has changed dramatically with the development of science, but the knowledge of Almighty God, Infinite God, and God as an Absolute One remains the same. Why does it not change? Because understanding God as Absolute is unchangeable. God here is based on the current state-of-the-art science ideas, not God of the creators of the heavens and earth 6000 years ago. The same word, God is used, but there is a big difference in the meaning. Human perception today has already changed significantly compared to 6000 years ago. It is like a trick by using the same word God.

God, the creators of the heavens and earth, was not omnipotent. He did not say that. There was no word for almighty. There was no infinite concept. There was no understanding of God as Absolute. The present God is an idea based on the result that science has revealed. God, back 6000 years ago, has been replaced by God of nowadays. (The expression of the Almighty God first appears in Genesis 17: 1 when Abraham was 99 years old.)

(Genesis 2:21, 22) There is a description that God "formed the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman." This is something ununderstandable at that time. But in modern science, we know that it is possible. Humans have already succeeded in making animal clones using cloning technology. Therefore, assuming that this description is true and correct, God represented here had much-advanced technology. Then, the story that God created heaven and earth was also information from the creators with advanced science and technology. Although the creators knew that the ground was a sphere, they didn’t tell the truth to human beings.

After more than five thousand years, it became clear that "the earth is not the center of the universe, but it rotates around the sun in the same way as other planets, that the solar system is a part of the galaxy. And there are innumerable galaxies. The universe is infinitely wide, and there are supernovae and black holes.” Even though the God of that time (the life forms),told the truth. it was too early for people to understand. So they seem to have been told, "God created heaven and earth."


The first human being did not obey the command from God, "You must not eat the fruit of good and evil," and ate it. From that time on, human beings decided on their good and evil. “Look! The man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, so he won’t reach out, also take from the tree of life, eat, and then live forever—” God expelled the man and the woman from the garden of Eden and placed winged angels at the eastern end of the garden of Eden, along with a fiery, turning sword, to prevent access to the tree of life. (Genesis 3:22-24)

The statement that the burning blade of the sword, which keeps rotating itself, is placed indicates that the Creator had highly developed technology. The phrase "a person became one of us in knowing good and evil" means that the creator side consisted of multiple life forms and had the values of good and evil, and reveals the existence of angels.

Genesis 5:1 shows that this is the historical record of Adam’s generations.

Did God not know that Adam, the person whom He created, won’t obey his command? Was he not able to foresee? People who believe in God's justice say, "God did not intentionally foresee." But that's the same as denying God's absoluteness. God here could not foresee or foretell or predict, which clearly shows that God is not omnipotent.

If the Creator of heaven and earth were Almighty God, omniscient, and omnipotent, Adam would not have sinned. It is the Creator of heaven and earth that created the sin. The meaning that God created the sin is the command “You must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” If God had not given such an order, Adam would not have sinned. There had been no sin if God did not give the order. Of course, God could have thought of many other rules and ways.

In the days of Noah, Genesis 6:1,2, “Now after the population of human beings had increased throughout the earth, and daughters had been born to them, some divine beings noticed how attractive human women were, so they took wives for themselves from a selection that pleased them.
6:4 The Nephilim were on the earth at that time (and also immediately afterward), when those divine beings were having sexual relations with those human women, who gave birth to children for them. These children became the heroes and legendary figures of ancient times.”

"Some divine beings" mentioned here are considered to be intelligent life forms, like God.

In verse 6, "Then the Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and he deeply grieved about that." Lord or God here is not an absolute being. "Regretted and ,deeply grieved" indicates that the advanced life form far superior to humans is still an existence that makes mistakes and regrets.

According to Noah's records, after the destruction of the world by the flood, a new world of the human race was created through Noah's son Sem, Ham, and Japheth.

According to the description, it is clear that God has no more than modern human moral consciousness. In other words, even with technology far superior to humans, then, they seem to have the same moral level as the present human race.

The Nephilim are the sons of human daughters and the sons of God, and children were born to them. If this is true, sons of God are life forms that can mate with human beings.

The expression "some divine beings noticed how attractive human women were. " shows sons of God were not so much different from the men of today.

Chapter 11:1 tells that "the whole land was one language, one word.
" In verse 7, "We will go down and confuse their languages ​​so that they cannot hear each other's language." Therefore the name there was called Babel. It is the history of Sem (the son of Noah).

Here too, God uses the expression "us" to indicate that it is not the only one. The aim was to disturb the language and prevent the construction of the Tower of Babel. We can see the same tendency in God how they act with modern human mind-like ideas and moral consciousness. In terms of science and technology, the record shows that one language was changed to many languages. It is not understandable how God was able to disturb the language. However, the present human race has advanced technology such as automatic translators considerably and has created technology to translate one language into many languages.

In Chapter 12, about 2000 years after Adam, God speaks to the Hebrew patriarch Abram and promises to make a great nation from Abram (later Abraham). (The Israelites were born through the son of Isaac. Arabs were born through Ishmael, a half-brother of Isaac.) From this time on, expressions the supreme god, the god of sovereignty, and the god of omnipotence began to appear. God began to speak in the vision and the dream. The expression "messenger or angel" also comes out.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah shows it was an immoral town and was destroyed by the rain of fire and sulfur by God. In a conversation with Abram, God promised that if there were ten righteous people, the city wouldn't be destroyed.

Immorality at the time (even in the laws by Moses), homosexuality, etc. is considered evil. Many cities nowadays recognize evil as human rights. Unfortunately, there were no righteous people in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Only the family of Abraham's nephew Lot was rescued.)

Technology in the sense of destruction has already been developed and possessed by humans, but it must have been unimaginable fear at that time. 

God recorded in Genesis looks like humans? In the last 100 years, humans have also made significant progress in science and technology, and have advanced into space, and planned to go to the planet Mars to survive. Human rights have also changed dramatically. Although human beings have made progress in science and technology after thousands of years of history, humanity seems to be almost the same. Isn't it the same as the God of the time (high-level intelligent life forms)?

Now look back at the writing that appeared at the beginning of Genesis 1:26, 27.

1:26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, to be like us. Let them be masters over the fish in the ocean, the birds that fly, the livestock, everything that crawls on the earth, and over the earth itself!”
1:27 So God created mankind in his own image; in his own image God created them; he created them male and female.

Couldn't it be accepted that these words were telling the truth as it is? A man was created in the image of God. In other words, God here is the existence of the same image as a human being "human."
The interpretation here does not need any. It can be accepted as the truth as it is.

It is men and women that were created in the image of God. Therefore, the creators of heaven and earth, who are the same image, also seems to be male and female.

Taking those above into consideration, and reading expression such as ;The Nephilim were born by divine beings having sexual relations with human women, and the first human beings are created as the image of God, the expression humans becoming like us in knowing good and evil, God seems to come to be the human race.

Who will accept the idea that God in the book of Genesis were the ancestors of the human race? The human race has believed the Creator of the heavens and earth for thousands of years. It is likely to be kicked out as if no such a foolish idea has ever existed.
But the conclusion here is based on the records in Genesis and the science of the present.


Part II