
Perception of Words will change the World @Series 7
Miracles, Misperception, Life and the Future

What do you think if people in 2000 years ago could see the present world?
What would they say if Jesus Christ, the 12 Apostles, and the people of those days were invited to the present world and given opportunities to see the current state-of-the-art science and technology?

They would cry out gImpossible, Incredible.h It would be not a miracle for them, but something more than a miracle. They would be shocked and would scream, "Oh, My God!" and would pass out.

Preface: The miracle said to be occurred by praying to Mother Teresa
1. Inviting Jesus, the 12 Apostles, and the people from their time to the modern world
2. Misperception on Godfs miracles
3. Why is it difficult to predict the future?
4. Lack of perception of accomplishments by human beings
5. Miracles in reality to recognize; what is it trying to convey?

Meaning of miracles (Weblio):
a. Events that cannot be understood by common sense
b. Supernatural phenomenon believed to have been done by God to lead people to Christianity

Preface: The Miracle which is said to be occurred by praying to Mother Teresa

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - The following is the official statement of the postulator of the cause of canonization of Mother Teresa, Fr. Brian Kolodiejchuk, MC, presenting the miracle that led to Pope Francisf decision to proclaim her a saint.

On 17 December 2015, Pope Francis approved the promulgation of the decree recognizing a miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Teresa of Kolkata. The case submitted by the Postulation of her Cause of Canonization concerns the miraculous healing that took place in 2008 in Santos, Brazil. The case involves a man having a viral brain infection that resulted in multiple abscesses with atrioventricular hydrocephalus.

The various treatments undertaken were not effective, and thus his condition continuously worsened. By 9 December 2008 the patient was in an acute clinical state: obstructive hydrocephalus; he was in a coma and dying. It was decided to proceed with emergency surgery. At 18:10 the patient was taken to the operating room, but the Anesthesiologist could not perform the tracheal intubation for anesthesia.

Meanwhile, from March 2008, the patient's wife continuously sought the intercession of Blessed Mother Teresa for her husband. To her own prayers of intercession were joined those of her relatives, friends, and the parish priest, all of whom were praying for a miraculous cure through the intercession of Mother Teresa.

On this same day, 9 December 2008, when the patient entered into a serious crisis and had to be taken for an emergency operation, intensified prayers were addressed to Blessed Teresa for his recovery. Precisely between the hours of 18.10 and 18.40 the patient's wife went to her parish church, and along with the pastor, turned to Blessed Teresa begging with greater determination the cure of her dying husband.

At 18.40 the neurosurgeon returned to the operating room and found the patient inexplicably awake and without pain. The patient asked the doctor, "what I am doing here?" The next morning, December 10, 2008, when examined at 7.40 the patient was fully awake and without any headache; he was asymptomatic with normal cognition.

The patient, now completely healed, resumed his work as a mechanical engineer without any particular limitation. In addition, it should be emphasized that despite the tests that showed a state of sterility due to the intense and prolonged immunosuppression and antibiotics, the couple have two healthy children born in 2009 and 2012.

On 10 September of this year, the medical commission voted unanimously that the cure is inexplicable in the light of present-day medical knowledge. On 8 October the theological commission also voted unanimously that there was a perfect connection of cause and effect between the invocation of Mother Teresa and the scientifically inexplicable healing. On 15 December the case received the final approval of the Congress of Cardinals and Bishops of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints meeting in ordinary session.

I have no intention to deny this miracle. If you are not a Catholic, you might think it is a trick or magic. It might be so. But it is clear and itfs been accepted that so many miracles happened in the past.

If all the desperately sick and people concerned pray to Mother Teresa and all the sick people were healed, then it will be taken as reality. But that wonft happen. Because miracles are rare, it's called eMiracle.f In addition, even if the person gets miraculously healed, he or she cannot escape from the destiny of human death. In other words, even if temporarily saved at the time, it will not be long before he or she dies.

There have been many miracles since some thousands of years ago. Because miracles rarely occur, they have been explained as being done by God. Even if there is a miracle, however, people do not know the real reason. If people can understand how it happened, it will not be called eMiraclef.

There are various gods, idols, and humans for prayers that are considered to work miracles; Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, 12 Apostles, thousands of Saints including Apostle Paul, God of Judaism, God of Hinduism, God of Islam, Buddha of Buddhism, there were more than 300,000 gods in the Roman Empire, and according to the Japanese Shintoism, there are gods of eight million."

Although miracles in the past surprised people, they did not know the reasons why they happened. Thatfs the main reason that played the role of guiding people to faith as God's work.

If modern magicians appeared in the age of Christ in the first century, magic performers would be worshiped as gods. Magic is enjoyable as entertainment. Everyone nowadays knows there are trick secrets. But if you do not know that there are trick secrets, it looks the same as a miracle.

In other words, the reason could be any or anything. Because no one could know why and how it happened, religious leaders used miracles to lead people to believe in God.

Many of the miracles written in the Bible, most of the miracles seem to be possible by modern science and magic. Human beings now can perform miracles that exceed all of those in the past.

1. Inviting Jesus, the 12 Apostles, the people from their time to the modern world

What do you think if people in 2000 years ago could see the modern world?
What would they say if Jesus Christ and the 12 Apostles, the people of those days were invited to the present world and given opportunities to see the current state-of-the-art science and technology?

They would cry out gImpossible, Incredible.h It would be not a miracle for them, but something more than miracles. They would be shocked and would scream, "Oh, My God!" and would pass out.

The present world would be more than miracles and unbelievable, unacceptable to them.

To fly like a bird in the sky was a dream for human beings for a long time.
In order to fly, how many people observed how birds fly, made wings and jumped from high places? Dreaming of flying in the sky, how much time have the human race spent for thinking, making wings, testing and trying hard? It was unbelievable that people could fly in the sky.

Nobody in the first century knew why things fall down. Nobody was thinking about the reason. They did not know.
Until Newton found out, human beings did not know the existence of gravity.

December 1903, after a long time, the Wright brothers achieved the first powered, sustained, and controlled airplane flight.
Since then, there was remarkable progress in science and technology. Now F-22, F-35 stealth fighters, and B-2 stealth strategic bomber have been developed.

There was no concept of the radar in the first century, and even if we explained it to them, it would be completely impossible to understand the meaning of stealth.

A jet fighter can fly faster than the speed of sound. At the time of the first century, they did not know what the sound is and that there is a speed for the sound.

What do you think if they see a fighter jet flying close to them at the speed of sound or if they see a dogfight, air combat? They would not believe it even if they saw it. It would be unrecognizable.
They will scream gUnbelievable! Impossible! Help me, my God!h

The plane Jumbo Jet (Boeing 747) is approximately 70 meters in length, 20 meters in height, and 64 meters in wings, with 400 tons in maximum takeoff weight. For example, it flies a distance of about 11,000 km from Tokyo in Japan to New York in the USA.

At the first century, there was no expression ethe earth.f It was still a flat world. Japan was not known, and a country called America was yet to exist. Of course, there was no idea of traveling around the world.
Would they understand by listening to the explanation that a huge object carrying 500 passengers on board, such a heavy thing, fly in the sky?
They would respond for sure gUnbelievable! Impossible!h
If there were a chance for them to see the Jumbo close enough to take off, they might tremble with fear and would pass out.

While at home, or while working, we can talk to people all over the world.
It was in the 1870s that making a phone call became possible, and it was after WWII that it spread widely in Japan. We could talk to people who were far away. The phone was by wires (wired) then. That alone was a significant invention. More than 140 years passed since then.

It was unthinkable for the people of the first century to talk with people in the far distance. It took 1800 years to develop the phone. But now we can talk with people by smartphones using radio waves without wires.

Light is usually visible light from the sun and the like, but it means electromagnetic waves from infrared to ultraviolet light, and the traveling speed in a vacuum is about 300,000 kilometers per second and moves around the earth 7.5 times per second.

They did not know the meaning of vacuum. They did not know there is speed in light. They did not know the meaning of the second, or minute of the time of speed. There is no idea of the round earth. Is it possible for the people in the first century to understand the smartphone?

Now we can see the news on the world's events on a large TV, with delicate images in color, as if seeing the real thing. If you use smartphones you can see the same image even in the palm size. We can talk to people all over the world. You can talk while watching the other person. You can also take pictures or record them.
They would respond hUnbelievable! Impossible! There could not be such a thing.h

The era in which horses and cows played a part in cultivating fields and rice field continued for a long time. It is much easier than doing it manually
A huge unmanned tractor under computer control now automatically plows vast land using the GPS (Global Positioning System), and plants seeds and harvests. Drone, which monitors the state of the crop, sends electronic information from the sky, and fertilizer and agricultural chemicals are sown as necessary. What has not been imagined for a long time is happening in reality. It would be far from being impossible for those people of the first century. None of them knew words; unmanned tractor, computer control, globe, satellite, monitor, Drone, electric information, chemical, GPS.
It would be more than a miracle, beyond their capacity of understanding.

The population in the 1960s is about 3.6 billion people, now 7.6 billion people. It has more than doubled. Currently, the world population increases by about 70 million people a year. How can we live with such an increase in population? This is because mass production of food is made possible by the power of human science.
It is about 200,000 population increase per day. How can we survive with an increase of 200,000 people every day? Even now for us, it is unthinkable. It is impossible!

Because of differences in civilization and time difference of 2000 years, it seems impossible for them to accept the present times immediately or to accept reality right away. The appropriate time, education, and training will be necessary for them to understand and recognize reality. Still, it may be difficult to adapt to the present age. Their mind which was made 2000 years ago might refuse to accept the new reality. The idea of inviting the people of the first century to the present may be too cruel. After all, it seems best for them to stay in that era.

Back in the past, miracles happened because they were not understandable. It was a chance and a good reason to make people believe in God.
Now the modern day, we have scientific reasons why something happened and we can understand them. Here is a big difference between the first century and now.

It is the old days when an incredible event caused a fuss and made people believe and praise God saying a miracle happened.
It is a modern day that we know the reasons based on scientific grounds. We have created a reality much bigger than miracles of the past. And we even actually experience them.
Do you recognize something compared to the past?

2. Misperception on Godfs miracles

When people could not understand something happened in the old days, they tried to understand it by making excuses that such an unthinkable event was a miracle of God.

Some billions of people still believe in the miracles of 2000 years ago. There was no need to explain why the miracle occurred. It was sufficient that something impossible happened. Even if the reasons were magic or tricks, it was good enough then because no one could figure out the reason. "I do not know, I cannot understand" was sufficient.

For a long time, however, the human race did not accept new ideas of people, nor recognize individuality, and even they made a witch or a devil because they could not understand the reason. How many people were killed because of this?

Human beings have even denied the rights of animals to live because animals are not human and canft speak, and we canft understand them.
When we encounter a new life form in the future, it may be the reason for human fear to deny its existence because we do not understand the new living creature. Is it rational? Are we to follow the same pattern in the old days?

Because people could not understand miracles in ancient times, people took them as Godfs work. Should we avoid such a short-circuit thinking? This became the background behind the misdirection of many people, and so many people were put on religious trials and executed, and so many people engaged in religious wars and were killed.

It is the reason why the human ability to think is very important because it helps avoid misdirection.

Airplanes are flying around the world skies, and state-of-the-art fighters are also flying. Automobiles are becoming an era of automatic driving. The era of a linear motor car is coming soon. Every new event looks more than a miracle.

Modern medicine has healed a lot of sick people, prolongs their longevity, making a great contribution to the human race. Medical science has even found ways of treating many diseases, including incurable diseases, and the number of people healed is unknown.
It is quite different from a miracle happening and healing a sick person. It differs extraordinarily. Modern medical science has healed some billions of people.

In relation to miracles in the Bible, some people say, "It depends on the honesty and integrity of the person who wrote it." Some people are convinced. However, there is a big mistake in this.
First of all, no one knows if the writer is really honest. It might be a person who pretends to be honest. All honest and sincere people are deceived by magic tricks. Do you know the reason why? Because five senses of human perception have limits. Therefore, there are no people who cannot be deceived or fooled.
It is important that the person who wrote is honest. But if the person who wrote it is honest and sincere, it does not mean that there is no mistake in the written content.
Believing miracles of the record is equivalent to ignoring the modern science whose reason is known based on the grounds

3. Why was it difficult to predict the future?

Even if they tried to imagine the future in the first century, none of the modern airplanes, jet aircraft, rockets, smartphones or cars could come up with. Such future prediction was impossible then.
Even though they imagined the future from the frame of their own era, they could not imagine the future beyond the scope of that era.
Why do you think that they could not predict or imagine beyond their times?
To everything, there is a season. Because there is a sequential order, turn in line and a waiting list to come around in the future.

The existence of jet aircraft for flying in the sky requires knowledge for flying, the invention of a glider, propeller, invention of power engine, the existence of the Wright Brothers, flight experiment, long-distance flight, development of airplane flying faster, improvement of engines, and so on. As seen in the development of aircraft, science, and technology, there is a process and order in the development or progress.

History of physics shows no new theories suddenly came out without background. Physicist Einstein theory of relativity had many studies and achievements beforehand, including Newton theory. There were many people's steady research and support. New inventions and theories arise from among them, and it cannot be done without a series of processes.

Imagination also has stages. A series of stepsare necessary to achieve an invention.
A result of the research is at the top of the stack. Even in the conversion of ideas, there is an idea before the shift. In the human world, there is no way to see the distant future without a series of processes.

In the book of Revelation, apocalypse by the apostle John, the revelation of Christ was shown by angels. It is a prophecy that happens in that age. It was addressed to seven congregations. But there is none of the modern airplanes and jet aircraft come out in what is written. It is natural. It is not possible to imagine the present days. Even if John could see F-22 in the days, he could not understand or recognize it without basic knowledge and information of present days.

The revelation was written about Israel (Jacob), his 12 children, historical background, involvement in faith, such as God, prophets, congregations, angels, golden candlestick, Satan, dragon, earthquakes, beasts and so on. The expression is in the range of knowledge understandable to the same believers at the time. It is impossible to imagine beyond the framework of the Judaism religious foundation, knowledge, information, and teaching of Christ at the time of the first century.

In the book of Genesis, Pharaohs in Egypt had a dream and saw seven very beautiful cows with very discerning appearance followed by seven very ugly slimming cows. The ugly cows ate all the former fattened cows. None of Egypt unraveled that dream. Joseph, one of the twelve children of Jacob (Israel) explained and interpreted that there would be harvest lasting seven years and subsequent famine.
Both dreams and interpretations are in the framework of that era, and it is impossible to see the present age.
It can be said that the words by the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, etc. appearing after that do not have more than the background information of that era.

Even if they use interesting expressions, it will not exceed the information and understanding of that time. Neither modern aircraft carrier nor fighter aircraft comes out. It shows it is impossible to make a precise prediction of the future.

Searching for news in our days by reading the book of prophecy in the old days that the current thing in our days might be found, is unlikely. There is no significance in interpreting contents that are ambiguous and hard to understand.

In that sense, the book of Revelation the apostle John wrote, cannot include our present days. In order to express a fearful dream, it was necessary to write what people of those days knew. If John writes fearful things that everyone does not know, everyone cannot understand it.

4. Lack of perception of accomplishments by the human race

In modern general households, there are televisions, computers, smartphones, air conditioners, refrigerators, enough foods, private cars, and so on. People have almost everything they need. It is a comfortable life.
Even though miracles equivalent is happening, if people are asked if they are thankful for them, everyone will respond that it is very convenient, useful, and comfortable. Everyone has it, nothing special, all are taken for granted.

It was difficult to know whatfs going on the other countries. It took a lot of days to know the news. But we see news about what is happening all over the world through the internet, and smartphone, TV and the like. But while accepting in this manner, nothing becomes great or impossible. Everything seems to take it as nothing special. Compared with the old days, it is certain that people living now have overflowing knowledge. But it seems that people do not recognize the background of reality. It can be said that we are now living in a materially rich, convenient, and comfortable world because of the scientific progress, but it seems we have lost awareness.

As in the previous example, if a lot of miracles equivalent happen, it will not be a surprise. It is not new. It will not give an excitement. Everybody gets used to it. Everything becomes familiar. This is the reason why people look for something new.

It seems there is a perception problem.
Although people are living in such a blessed environment, they do not recognize it.
Many people do not even recognize that they are happy.

Why is this? Is it lack of thought? Are people losing thinking?

An example: To understand the meaning of gWordsh will change the world.
In order to be happy, we need to know and understand the meaning of the word ehappyf.
Without understanding the meaning of the word, how can people be happy?
People canft be happy because they donft know the meaning of the word.
In order to understand happy, it is necessary to understand ghappy.h
That thinking opens the way to be happy, but people forget to think.

Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness. --- George Orwell

Do you know the reason why?

To understand the word ehappyf is the reason to be happy.
The truth cannot be recognized without thinking.

5. A miracle in reality to recognize; what is it trying to convey?

There is something more than a miracle in our world. Most people have not recognized them, because they are thought to be natural and taken for granted. Present human science and technology canft make them. They are more than miracles that the human race cannot yet create and produce but are occurring frequently all around us. They can be seen anywhere. Because of lack of the perception, people canft recognize them.
What are they? They are the natural lives that have existed on earth.

Human science and technology, so advanced in civilization, still cannot create even a single cell of a life form. Nevertheless, there are many life forms.
There are various life forms such as mosquitoes, cockroaches, plants, reptiles, and mammals. There are also bacteria.

Someone may say, gThe terrible and disgusting mosquitoes and cockroaches, I always try to kill, are awesome living things? Thatfs unbelievable.h

Life forms seem to exist naturally, but they are made by programs and are acting.
Human beings have become able to manipulate their genes.
In 1996, Dolly, a sheep born from a mammal clone for the first time, lived for about 6 years. Since then, many other clones have been born. Flowers and fish that glow by genetic manipulation are also made.

Human beings have learned much from existing life forms and developed their technology. It means that the existence of familiar life forms around us is made with more advanced technology than what human beings made so far.

The existence of life forms is a miracle. The existence of humans may be called the greatest miracle among them. People think that children are born naturally. Because it was difficult for a long time to recognize that the program exceeds the science of mankind.

In the case of humans, a fertilized egg cell, only size of the tip of a needle, repeat division in the mother's womb and give birth to a baby in about 10 months. A design drawing to be a human being is written in each cell as a program.

A fertilized egg is a pluripotent cell that can be various cells. It repeats the symmetric division for a while. The same cells are made. It is not decided what the cell will become in the future. After less than a week the symmetry division is over and asymmetric division begins. All the human cells, organs, nerve systems will be created according to the purpose of the program. It is controlled not to be something other than purpose.
According to its different purpose, each cell will work together to be such as eyes, nose, mouth, ear, hand, foot, finger, head, heart, stomach, liver, pancreas, bladder, blood vessel, nerve, bone, hair, nail and so on, There is no turning back. Everything necessary for a human being is created from the initial fertilized egg.

Even after birth as a human being, the brains control its body, secretion of various hormones including growth, maintenance, and management of respiration, body temperature, blood pressure, appetite, libido, digestive function, control of the heart, biological clock and so on. It continues to work beyond our imagination.

Each human cell has genes. The gene is made of molecular language. It is a program. Nobody knows how long it will take in the future for humankind to make one cell.

Genetic manipulation is a technology that humans have already been studying and are utilizing. Using that technology, creating a new life may not be difficult.
It is not amazing for other than human beings with advanced intelligence to make use of genes that already exist. It is even possible for humans to manipulate the genes on the present day to create new forms of life on the earth. Apart from ethical aspects, mankind may create new life forms. But even if we created a new life form, we did not create that gene. It means that we were able to manipulate it.

What is it trying to convey?

The life forms on earth indicate the existence of other life forms that created them. It is intelligent and has a technology that exceeds current human science. It might be the creator of heaven and earth in the book of Genesis. The creator is expressed as plural and intelligent life forms with advanced skills. But it is not omniscient, eternal, infinite, the almighty God.
It is nearly impossible to understand the intention of the Creator of all in the universe and of all the life forms in all dimensions. In other words, all the life forms wonft be able to understand the eternal, infinite, omniscient God, the Absolute.

Human DNA is a design drawing of tens of thousands of proteins. Therefore it is logical to think that there are designers who made the programs. There seems to be no problem in thinking that the designer is an intellectual life entity having intelligence and ability far beyond humanity. However, it may be difficult to identify this intelligent life form. Because the extraterrestrial life form with high intelligence may not be one kind.

Well then, why do human beings do not know the existence of intelligent life forms other than human beings?
If it is an intellectual life entity that has the ability to create life on earth, it is natural for us to have some information on the life form. Why is there no information?

I do not have a certain answer, but the following might be some reasons.

a. Extraterrestrials may already exist on Earth. They may be a lot. Life forms, including humans, may have come from outside the earth. It may have been assimilated as an organism on the earth.

b. There is a possibility that the information on intellectual life forms is left in life on earth, in the genes. It may be because humans could not notice it or have not noticed it so far. But there is a possibility that new ideas and information will come out from now on.

c. There is a possibility that an intellectual life entity with advanced technical force other than human beings has concealed their existence so that they are not known to human beings by their own will. I do not know why it is necessary to hide it, but even if they let us know its existence, humans may not be able to properly recognize the figure of that entity.

d. The possibility is that it was concealed by the government of human beings who came to know the existence of the intellectual life forms.

In July 1947, it was announced that the soldier of the 509 Bombing Battalion managing Roswell Airfield collected the flying saucer crashed into a farm near Roswell, New Mexico. Although it became extensive news, it was denied on the same day that the announcement was only collecting fragments of the weather observation balloon.

According to "Aliens Interview" now reading again, Matilda OfDonnell MacElroy, the only nurse accompanying the military was at the scene where an alien was surviving among crew members of the airship. It is written that she talked through telepathy over a month and gathered information under the intense supervision of the military. That information was kept confidential. The content of the book is an interview in details with the alien.

There might have been more concealment cases.

e. Physicist Stephen Hawking says, "Although it can be thought that there are many life forms in the universe, the highly developed civilization will be destroyed."
Dr. Hawking gives a figure of 100 years related to the future of mankind.

It is conceivable that there are intelligent life forms in the universe. As Dr. Hawking points out, the highly developed civilization will perish. A lot of intelligent life forms may have already perished with their civilization. But it might also be true that there are still a lot of life forms and civilizations in the universe.

The time will come when the future will reveal, to tell the truth of the human race. The future of humanity for 100 years may be too short. On the contrary, 100 years may be too long. In other words, there is a possibility that we would find the conclusion much earlier.

In modern times, science and technology are not only at its peak but also has a possibility to kill the human race.
Due to genetic technology, a change that took hundreds of years or thousands of years could be done in a day.
Now it is possible for mankind to create new life forms by genetic manipulation.
Contrary to human expectations, it might be an era that even black holes could be created during scientific experiments.
The current population is 7.6 billion. About 200,000 people increase per day. How long can we keep the condition?
How far and long will the human race survive? No one knows.
Basically, it is the human characteristics that they do not care until they fail. It is everyonefs tendency to continue to fail until destruction when we lose everything. An individual failure may be tolerable, but if human race existence is involved, failure cannot be tolerated. However, this may be the tendency of the majority of human beings.

We may already know the reason why "advanced development of civilization will perish." Dr. Hawking strongly recommends that the human race escapes from the earth to other colonies. But even it proved to be true, most of the human race cannot escape from the earth in 100 years. There is no choice but to put some hope on someone else.

Nobody knows the future. The human race might experience a big modification. The will of the human race, if any, may adjust the way of mankind. Nature may purify the earth. Other extraterrestrial life forms might intervene in mankind. But In any case, it is impossible to predict a precise future.

There is something every person can do.
It is to modify self-centered thinking and selfish way of living. Stop ideas based mainly centered on the human race. It is not easy to change the way of life. But the perception of thinking words will help change the world. Push forward thinking and thinking by means of words will help change society. It might be a small effort, but it will help change the human race.

It is necessary to be an aware possibility that the human race is to die.

It is always necessary to be ready to die and to prepare the mind so that whatever happens in the future will not be a surprise or shock. It is important. It means to do your best and fulfill your life. It is to recognize your responsibility and to live as a human being.
It means to take the responsibility to live as a human whatever the circumstance is, whatever the situation is, whatever the future is, regardless of what we are now. It means that we are prepared to do our best for the human race.

A person is for the human race, the human race for its future and for the whole universe.

Michael Aleph, January 2017